
Posts Tagged ‘Miraslav Satan’

Attention Rod Laver and Rod Carew Crew!

There is Racket system that has to be broken due to Wilson and David Blissett. At David, we of Oakland&Onyx go David Withrow&26, not Major League except in the Local 21 David Taylor Street Kern’s (peaceful Indian)logo games.

A Elizabeth Bauer Fast East Carolina Hurricane Note: If the US Army thinks they are over us, they claim they have our 6. What is not seen and is below the surface is what is protected. Spiritully, the USA army has no protection. Below the C level are straight Hebrew letters, tet, dalet and gimel in there short form which totals 16. I just heard from Tim Capps that the number 16 is the number of love, but I think of love as 441, which is truth. Love has many forms, so constants matter when Flora and Sentry routes collapse but Randy Wright and Randy Moss routes don’t collapse.

There is war on in electronics, and what is going on below amethyst level is unknown. Who your Lord is reflects on how you approach war. A good Lord will walk away from filthy movies even in theatres when they already paid.A good Lord makes sure that servants do not become your masters. That is where the United States political system has proven they do not aboey the right Lord. Jesus(pronounced Hey Zeus) can be considered Mexican who plays baseball, not the name of a Hebrew Yeshua(Y) system.
CARD leaders: To be a master at transitioning away from gambling and into basic facts of history and prophesy, go to a Cribbage mind at proverbs or a K=4points at Judah.Say something like ’52Foote Tight beats Loose’ if you are a Patrick Roy guy rather than a Manning puppet. That gets you a ‘C=Czenczek=6’ ‘Steve’ status on Nurse’s Day, like a UWSP Pointer&Paper page13 checker. just above the Snake River Canyon of ID with AFIS smarties. Basting Status is 91, way about carbon copies.
BeHe: Be 6 minded, like the original 6 HOckey teams. Noah rough water holes are due to Joakim&Welch with an ‘All My Children’ disease. Honey Badgers are like Ron Dayne in a Texas Brees Terrace situation, not equal to the priesthood but very important for screens and 13 sieve lines. At Water-skiing dilemmas, know that water skiing is like figure skating;there is no Psalm 7:10 defense that will return anything to water skiing teams.
Reggie White92Panther is OK at the 92=District2 spot. The U is also underneath us, and we do not want to raise up uranium again as a god of war.
H: Hey goes Strait5&Bench until the valedictorian games finally are over, and Blue Sapphire beats Reds at 5.
C+100 in order to understand the amethyst perimeter ‘perfection’ game for Romans. Defense is necessary to break up all offenses at Hossa vs. Satan. The position of amethyst is huge at a time when remaining sober keeps you Milwaukee 5 o smart at Ring St. (Anti-politician level). Start to prepare for Shavuot, remembering that the Tablets were given freely, and contain the way of salvation including sanctification. The commandments were a gift from God;if you reject them and do not keep them, you reject the free gift. This may be your last chance as well to be spared like a Worthy Bowling Green Baseball team.

Chelsea Michigan is not Chelsea Clinton. Chelsea Clinton does not have a spiritual advantage, whe is merely another daughter of an a typicalJames Ingram,unclean and therefore ugly United States family. Never let your G be Glass in your legend system, or you end up in Josie,Sharon and Dennis Becker666 gambling trouble; Solid Cindy Stone&Doug White Alphabet code is better G=Gimel or Gad or Leviticus. Shauna Singh Baldwin is not Truth, nor does she have any place on my teams. There’s going to be big trouble at Acquine Jackson and Austin Costa level somewhere along the huge Eric Hendrikson Fort Leonard Wood Splitters.

Don Adams Code for Musicians@Large Bob James Ingram:’Page 217 is Somewhere Out There’

A February17,2014 Note: In real life, I would hope Viktor&Vyaslava Koslov wins against the Shane D. Hendrikson types, and goes Parkinson in every Tech Trojan battle against the Budweiser gang and people who think Las Vegas,Nevada is a ‘good destination’.

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