
Posts Tagged ‘Wittenberg Wisconsin’

Multiple serious physical and mental health issues are going to be put in here of no less value than any writing of a minor prophet. I will address what I learned first as an outward sign of an anti-teacher(WEAC) pro-humility rod of iron standpoint:

1. My police academy class had a variety of people no different from any sports minor league team. We all had certain skills, different parents and were not created equal except that we all were human. The problem with external affairs is minor compared to the difficulty correcting internal affairs of your own heart and mind if your conscience has not been seared completely. I once was feeling very insecure in my marriage to Robin Ortiz after a very embarrassing situation caused by prescription drugs, and suspected him of having an affair with a fellow classmate named Jayne Cler who worked in the Sensitive Crimes Division with both of us. I viewed Jayne as more attractive than I was at the time, and also requested that my Captain not assign my husband to work with Joanie Harvey, another attractive woman in the TABS program. I represented the DARE program, not the TABS program. I knew Robin’s past had a history of weakness when it came to unfaithfulness while married, and I would rather try to remove temptation on a daily squad level basis (incredible trust factors with partners can turn the wrong way morally if a holy attitude is not applied) than have another marriage fail. In that case, my marriage to Robin was not ‘joined by God’ nor did we ever have his blessing but were just another typical carnal ungodly pair of humans looking for a form of love and heterosexual companionship. When I saw Jayne Cler at a private police reunion about 16 months ago, she had gained a lot of weight, just like Linda Meyer Hendrikson Costa had at the point of her son Eric’s graduation. Linda Costa had made been cruel and arrogant to me, and she was so overweight as she sat with her anti-Torah Wittenberg Hendrikson family that the father of her children claimed it wasn’t her(obesity can make a person unrecognizable to a past acquaintance). That being said, I would defend Jayne Cler before I would lift a finger to try to defend Shane Hendrikson and his army anti-Israel goon squad types. Family members err seriously, and I am still a part of a police family that I will not deny mercy to if needed. I cannot supply grace, as that is a result of personal obedience to the Commandments.
2. I remember a question at a bible study conducted with a variety of people. Tom Guilliams did not teach his son Caleb to eat clean. I found this fact out after taking his son Caleb golfing and going to Subway afterward. I did not remove or prevent Caleb from eating the pork he chose, but I ordered clean, did ask him if his parents allowed him to eat pork, and then after hearing his response, verified with Tom that in fact the Gilliams children only wat clean on certain occasions but not as a daily practice.Tom Guilliams was very intellectual when it came to the battles contained in the old testament, but to my knowledge has no real physical defensive training like I have had.
3. I am preparing to try to do good works in with a women’s hockey team that is tied to a Catholic HIgh School.This may not be much different from letting a priest coach Ron Soreanu, except I will not partake in their pagan festivities or Christmas type activities because it is contrary to Moses. Aside from that, I know that I can help the women prepare mentally to defend against many situations outside of the hockey rink. For instance:
A) Man in the crease: Other than the goalie, the crease is supposed to be a sacred area, just as the sexual organs and the brain are supposed to me sacred and holy. When a foreign object or opponent tried to get so close that he can attack you or prevent you from doing your job, he is danger that has to be dealt with. A quick verbal warning ‘get out of the crease’ might instruct a willing and holy mind to remember the rules of the game. If the oral instruction is ignored, a defense person must physically try to remove the enemy from the crease. As a young girl, an enemy attacked me ‘in the crease’ below the belt.
B)Many attacks toward my head came from many sides, including denominations, relatives and medical doctors. The male in the crease today was knocked over by another male, and it seemed like a good delayed reaction from our team by a yellow topaz representative. When your goalie has Eagle pads, he might be like a Reggie White or a David Akers. Watch equipment picks; Vaughn might be a Robert problem, not a VInce Pope problem. Mission pads might be a NASA and Operation Mobilization problem that types like Gerald Ford have, not people like me who are non-political, non-denominational spiritually clean entities.
G) Better to let an opponent take the puck and then get exhausted trying to get it. Save your strength to return to your position and try to intercept the puck. Fighting over things of nominal value seems to be an attorney’s way of making huge profits and losing his own soul, as well as making his client an ineligible receiver of mercy of grace in the judgment to come.
D) Too many lesbian women are in other women’s ‘crease at point 11’, remembering that the #2 spot is reserved for the head position in a breastplate Ephod squad. Hopefully, Regina High School will no problem with me warning the women to guard their body from other women who have been given over to unnatural affections due to their denial of God.
4. A man named ‘Dan’ who claims to be 62 years old, who has played ‘goalie ‘ in the past but says he is a defenseman, showed up this morning for drop-in hockey. He said he was in Fort Bragg in the Army, and wore a jersey reflecting the same point of ‘pride’. Late in the game , he actually told me to knock down a man on his Home team. What type of psychological deranged errors have been built into his Pentagon brain, to the embarrassment of him? First, only a coward tells a woman to start trouble or a fight, much like the men who think the ‘Ultimate Warrior’ shows are good when they are actually very evil. Secondly, I viewed the opponent he wanted me to attack as a friend, not an enemy. Army is sick, and just as pigs get strong, they are indeed NImrod strong but not a strong tower of Holy God. I know Ed Menard or Charlie Rotramel would never have told me to attack a body in a ‘no-check’ game. NOt all people who have been drafted into Army are evil at heart, but those who volunteer probably have no better chance of salvation than Judas if it’s time to start comparing literal verses spiritual suicide missions.
5. I dropped in 2 quarters to the local Lion’s club, recalling my godfather, Uncle Andrew, who is more generous than selfish and is part of the Bevent Lion’s CLub. I also was married in a Lion’s Club Park in Knowlton, but the godfather role has proved to be more reliable than the protestant ex-husband role when it comes to protection and literal methods of support not ties to sexual demands. A different money move can get interpreted many ways, but people watch money more than they read the commandments it seems. Failing to obey the property divisions of your state in the time of unrighteous request for divorce leaves the one who kept too much in much greater damnation trouble. Better to come up short on money and strong in continuing monogamous mindset if you were the respondent who tried to save the relationship for the sake of your child(ren).
6. I can prevent icing on a hockey rink, but cannot prevent hail or outward elements from attacking zones. Power checks are serious, and although I could use a gas generator installed on my property to keep me from a more costly hospital visit should I need to use a nebulizer during a power outage, like many people in a 3rd world war nation such as I live in, I cannot afford certain things, and either must wait for donations as I continue to love in a pattern that removes the fear of death.
7. External affairs are easy to detect. Trying to contain the facts of sin patterns within any closed system results in more sickness than any form of flu virus ever could cause from an unjust scales level. I bring many things to light, whether or not anyone chooses to read facts rather than fiction is the difference between the wise and the foolish.
8. Regarding being seen kissing someone other than your spouse in public: I indeed have kissed male friends who were not my spouse at times of being under the influence of prescription drugs, which alter the brain and limit pure holiness from reigning in your body. That is not the same as actual adultery by intercourse. If kissing another is adultery, my husband Shane Hendrikson committed adultery at his high school reunion in Wittenberg, Wisconsin after we had already been joined physically. The female who kissed him was appeared to be drunk, but Shane did nothing to rebuke her. I, on the other hand, when attacked in like manner by a injured male named David Styles who used to work for Bob and Dick Heckel, never again wanted to return to visit him in his sick condition. My husband Shane did nothing to rebuke David Styles and instead blamed me, but I did no wrong nor was I in anyway interested in David Styles. Such might be how it went with Joseph, when he was punished for doing what was right. Pushing away people who get to close for the wrong reason is necessary at times of avoiding the near occasion of sin.

9. I did say ‘The Lord rebuke you, satan’ to Dan from Fort Bragg mentality. Fighting with him physically, I would have lost and would have been an embarrassment to the game. Do not be ashamed to quote Scripture rather than speak like an animal with a Playboy vocabulary.

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