
Posts Tagged ‘West Virginia’

Football is full of Roddy White lies at Ga=31. Pink and white armbands are like watching Steve Martin quartback games at French manicure for the Pink Panther Henderson tricks, rather than watching a few teams try to return to a ‘ Troy Hockey13 B Headed Holy Cross Family Circle Makers’. Like good Trojans who sneak over to Bay View instead of Green Bay for high school Thomas without More cigarettes moves,non-professional adult hockey leagues are actually rated G(good), or GP if a goalie plays. Running back and forth on sod level does not really mean you pick up yards. Picking up yards occurs with wheelbarrows, moved diligently, often unassisted, from Wausau East to West Virginia Moss zones. Whoever fights over a receiving a football is like someone who won’t give up the notion that January 1st is not the real new year according to Truth. No one fights over the ball in baseball, in case you have failed to notice that Miller Premium point. Active baseball players might fight over a bad called strike, but never fight over the literal ball like baseball fans once the ball is out of play.

In some cities, 1 yard is a huge increase in your lot size if you are fortunate enough to not be renting. Breaking Sony and Columbia records might also be required if the lyrics are 666 rather than 441 material. With that in mind, the following was written by me, not Steve Martin, on this day and posted in ‘In the Bleachers’ at #3:

“This Report in From Football 68Er Lines:

The Detroit Lions reached Rugland’s Best Norwegian Goal for RedWing Team Joseph, while the Cowboys matched Linda Lovelace XXX Roman non-Gabrial Status with 30. Bryant and Witten appear to have a Pb vs. Ra problem, as clearly they are not part of the Church of Philadelphia ot the PBR Team from Milwaukee(which has to get 31 for a Ga Technical Spiritual Warfare win, not a warfarin commercial spot)

The Packers squeaked a Vlasic Shark Mark of 44, but came up 199 short of the Super Duck243 Team. The VIkings managed to stay within Cribbage Handzus Gus Frerotte parameters with 31 for 2D, knowing that 8 is not enough for any Ephod Squad.”

Maybe the Dallas Cowboys couldn’t get anything up to 31 because of a Georgia Bosh block, or more likely,couldn’t get up for the game without their Dallas Cowgirl whores cheering them on to spiritual death symptoms instead of using geological codes like Judah does.

Do not be impressed with Air Force mechanical objects, but rather be impressed with a Eagle who became a Lion named Akers or a Doerfler Red Hawk.


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